Company Name

Shimane Organic Farm Co., Ltd


507-1, Ichiyama, Sakurae, Gotsu-city,
Shimane Prefecture, JAPAN 699-4221

Phone Number


Fax Number


Date of foundation

October; 1, 2004

Stated capital

53,250,000 JPY

Number of Employees

5 People (45 people in entire group)

Business lineup

Wholesale of Organic Products and Raw Materials,
Commission Processing,  Co-packing, Product Planning, others.

Board members

Chairman / Mr. Toshihiko Furuno
President / Mr. Toshimichi Furuno
Managing Director / Mrs. Fusako Furuno
Auditor / Mr. Kenji Moriwaki


Gogin Capital Co.Ltd.

Main bank

San-in Godo Bank

Affiliated companies

Sakurae Mulberry Tea P.U. Co., Ltd
Yuki-no Misato Co., Ltd


〒699-4221 島根県江津市桜江町市山507-1

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